Bacteriology of wound infections in Nigeria and its effect on antimicrobials selection during management


Wound infection
microbial colonization
Polymicrobial infection
Antibiotic resistance

How to Cite

Chukwu, E. . (2022). Bacteriology of wound infections in Nigeria and its effect on antimicrobials selection during management. Infectious Diseases Reviews. Retrieved from


A wound is a rupture in the skin exposing the underlying subcutaneous tissue. It creates a moist, warm, and nutritive environment that is conducive to microbial colonization and proliferation. Depending on the time it takes for the wound to heal, it can be categorized as either acute or chronic. Infection in a wound elongates the healing period, causes longer hospital stays and higher treatment costs. The majority of open wound infections are polymicrobial containing both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, which should be taken into account when choosing antimicrobials. Due to the increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance, the control of wound infections has become more challenging. In Nigeria, this challenge is exacerbated due to limited epidemiological data on the microbial agents causing wound infections. Thus, it is necessary to understand the microbes prevalent in infected wounds in order to encourage proper antimicrobial selection for the offending microbe and enhance better treatment and management outcomes. In this review, the bacteriology of wound infections, susceptibilities to routinely prescribed antibiotics and the effects of the presence of these bacterial species in wound management were discussed.



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